Thursday, October 16, 2008

If I Had a Superpower

Success! The header is finally up...although because of the many problems I shouldn't be so quick to declare victory. More like a moment where I can sense the tide is turning...kinda like the moment when John McCain called Barack Obama "That One"! I feel I've moved from the older generation into the wide new world, where web design can only open more and more doors.My link again, as my shameless plug

Having said that, there are many drawbacks to the current web design, so I'm going to vent on a few of my current site problems. One of the biggest problems is getting my side nav bar for cafepress active. It seems to break up the page and also keeps the old nav text section, even when I try to hide it. I have a few ideas on how to remedy, but also need to keep posting designs and getting the site more presentable...not to mention the freelance side stuff goin' on.

If I had a superpower, it would be to make multiple copies of myself. Not like the Michael Keaton film...I was thinking like the Penny character from Sky High. you know, you can get a lot done, are never alone, and someone always laughs at your jokes.

My actual superpower, or so I've been told, lies in my ability to speak to animals, most specifically dogs. I think that's why to very few dog designs on my site are doing the most of the earnings. My furry little breadwinners, so proud of them!

I think the lack of sleep is catching up to me. More later!

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